For now the days of casually strolling through grocery stores have gone. As an essential business though our partners in grocery have needed to get messaging out about new opening procedures and hours and moreover that they are still there for their customer base.
Several of our clients have approached us during these challenging times to help them in this regard.
Save A Lot had the objective to reach out to customers with a holiday message around Easter letting them know “even though gathering during this time is different for now, Save A Lot is here to help families celebrate.” We put together a print and digital ROS campaign across the Easter Weekend with the message that ‘Save A Lot is Here For You’. Our client was very pleased with campaign reach in print and the online click through rates and their campaign objective was achieved.
Safeway meanwhile wanted to promote their Easter Specials but also wanted to put together a ‘thank you message’ to thir customers for supporting them during this difficult time. We worked with them to put together a campaign that ran across print and ROS on across the Easter period which included a special thank you message:
Lidl wanted to run an informational campaign telling their customers what they are doing in their stores to adapt to the conditions and help maintain some sense of routine. We put together a ROP campaign for them which successfully delivered upon their objectives.
Weis had different requirement still – they approached us because they had a need to hire rapidly. We responded with a campaign package that lead with a Sunday ad placement near the Help Wanted section of Baltimore Sun in order to reach job seekers in print, We supplemented this meanwhile with an online package that utilized ROC units on The outcome was a very strong click through rate which lead directly to their hiring site and helped boost their numbers.
We are fully committed to helping our partners in the grocery sector during this pandemic and beyond. If you would like to speak to us about how we can help you please contact your Baltimore Sun Media sales representative.