What’s next continues to be a difficult question to answer during these conditions. This has been a year like no other. The months of lockdown conditions have imposed unique challenges to us all. In this regard the education sector has been particularly impacted. As we reflect upon a massively disrupted second half of the last school year, we are now in another academic year with more challenges, we must ask what does this mean for the future?

We know these are uncertain times, and we want to help – both our partners in the education sector and the students and parents that face this uniquely challenging period.

We’ve long supported higher education establishments with our print THE BALTIMORE SUN SPECIAL EDUCATION SECTION published five times annually and reaching 444,840 households each issue.  This has provided the best targeted recruitment platform to reach parents and prospective students.

We wanted to do more to assist you.

As such this past July we launched  a brand new digital experience focused on education, designed to help guide users as they navigate their secondary and higher education path through a series of articles, interactive content, career profiles and more. Topics covered will include such items as preparing for your undergraduate degree; leveraging you graduate degree to catapult your career and boosting your credibility with a professional certificate.


Click here to view the page.

That’s not all. We’ve developed a robust media program designed to drive your qualified audiences to this branded destination. This will include:

  • NEW! Education newsletter – Get Ahead Baltimore – sent to area parents and higher education intenders.
  • 6 quarter page print adverts in tandem with the publication of the regular print Education special section
  • 400,00 co-branded standard display units
  • 500,000 native ad impression

We’ve been live for just over 1 month and we want you to be a part of it going forward. Contact your Baltimore Sun Media sales representative now.